Unfinished Lives

Remembering LGBT Hate Crime Victims

Justin “Angie” Zapata murdered in Colorado hate crime

Teenager Justin “Angie” Zapata was found dead in her Greeley, Colorado, apartment on July 17, the apparent victim of an anti-LGBT hate crime.  Zapata, who was 18 years old, sustained wounds to the head and face with a fire extinguisher.

Kelly Costello, director of victim services at the Colorado Anti-Violence Program, served as Zapata’s family’s spokesperson and said this is not the first time transgendered persons have been targeted by violent crimes in Colorado. “It’s frightening but not necessarily surprising,” Costello said. “It does send out a ripple effect and lets everyone know how vulnerable they are.” Costello’s remarks appeared in a Denver Post article on July 25.

According to a July 31 Associated Press article, Zapata’s killer, 20-year-old Allen Ray Andrade, made remarks showing he did not afford his victim the status of a full human being. While speaking to investigators about his involvement in the hate crime, Andrade referred to Zapata as an “it”. Andrade said that after hitting his victim twice in the head with a fire extinguisher, he thought he had “killed it.”

Responding to the suspect’s remarks, Greeley Police Chief Jerry Garner said he felt disgusted by the comment. “It’s a horrible thing to say.”

After reading about her sister’s killer, Monica Murguia, told Denver’s KDVR-TV that Andrade deserved to remain behind bars forever. “He took a part of our heart, he did, when he killed her.”

August 1, 2008 - Posted by | Bludgeoning, Colorado, Hate Crimes, Latino and Latina Americans, Perpetrators of Hate Crime, transgender persons | , , , ,


  1. […] MatthewS wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerpt […]

    Pingback by Justin “Angie” Zapata murdered in Colorado hate crime | August 1, 2008

  2. […] A disproportionate number of victims of transphobic violence are women of color, like Angie Zapata, Gwen Araujo and just recently, Duanna […]

    Pingback by Right to Life « He comes. He sleeps. He goes. | November 20, 2008

  3. I really disagree with the verdict. I’m mean, I’m glad he got life for murder, however this is NOT first degree murder. He did not plan her murder. She lied about who she was to get me. Who would not ordinarily sleep with men. I believe that if that is your choice in life, be honest to people. Or this kind of stuff will happen. People who are homophobic will not react in a negative way. Well anybody who is lied to reacts in a negative way! If she would have been honest, she would still be here. Bottom line.

    Comment by Lish | June 11, 2013

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